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Tuesday, 1 May 2012 | 06:53 | 0 ♥
Ekhemm assalamualaikum. Whats up world? Well I'm ssingle. Why? My ex said, I was too obssesed with study. i was like ohh mann not like that. Hm actually this year sama-2 kena work hard. Dia spm and aku pmr. Niat aku just nak dia imbangkan study dgan bercinta jaa. That's it k. Tapi apakan daya? It's okay. And yeahhh now tngah *busy* study for mid term. *Busy k busy* Lulz ~ Now credit dua-2 num aku bnyak. *Agak ah* Lgpun aku nak msg or call dgan sapa kan? Hm anyoneeeeeeeeeeee? Kk no no :)


Copyright ©. Code thanks to OhMissLinda.Re-edited by NayliIdzwati. With little helped of CikGee