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Tuesday 24 April 2012 | 02:37 | 0 ♥
Assalamualaikum and hi :) First of all, emm emm quite long I didn't update huh? Well pmr candidates man! Btw, ekhemm I'm Rafiq Izzuddin's :) It's almost one month already. I'm busy doing my history and geography folio. Well I'm almost done. Alhamdulillah! The worse part is today I'm so mad!!!!! Auni Darwisyah mmg nak kena dgan aku. Weh aku ingat hang dah berubah, dah okay lgpun this year kita pmr. Tapi hang buat lan*** dgan aku. Tak boleh ka tanya aku nak buat macam ni? Aku boleh tlg kay? Astaghfirullah, sabar jaa laahh. Apa pun esok hang tau laa nasib hang. Ingat, hang tak akan terlepas kay. Jangan main-2 dgan aku! Hurhhh please stay her away from me!


Copyright ©. Code thanks to OhMissLinda.Re-edited by NayliIdzwati. With little helped of CikGee